If I was only allowed one word to describe Amsterdam, it would be "colorful." Amsterdam is a young, lively and vibrant city. Hells Angels headquarters is near the train station. I was told they get free parking for their motorcycles, if they behave. Coffeeshop or a Café? There's a difference; if you want coffee, you go to a "Café". They serve coffee, tea, and edibles you'd expect from a café. "Coffeeshops" (and they are clearly marked as such) serve marijuana and yes, you can also order tea and coffee. Since they can't blatantly advertise marijuana, you need to ask to see the canibis menu, which lists about a dozen varieties. Interestingly, marijuana is not officially legal in the Netherlands; it's just always been tolerated. Netherlands and other European countries will never officially legalize marijuana because it would jeopardize trade with the U.S. In an interesting twist, Amsterdam outlawed tobacco smoking indoors. It may seem strange to us that a coffeeshop can lose its license if they allow people to smoke tobacco inside. Then there are the "Smartshops". Smartshops are stores that sell components of other types of drugs that are illegal in the US. For example, you'll find organic versions or items that have all the properties found in XTC pills, or hallucinogenic mushrooms. I even picked up a pamphlet on how to use "magic mushrooms", what to expect and how you get out of a bad trip from magic mushrooms. Alrighty then, next subject... Prostitutes have their own union. The Red Light District illuminates after dark, but after 10:30, the tourists leaves and the area can get pretty seedy. However, some prostitutes do take the day shift and were dutifully dancing in the window displays at 2:00 pm in the afternoon. Amsterdam also has 2 sex museums. Going to one can be fun but going to both would be hard to explain. The sex museum gives you both historical artifacts as well as cheesy and pornographic displays. You will see the history of sex from the ancient civilizations to 1960s in art, photos, stone carvings, paraphernalia, toys, etc. Enter the S&M room at the viewer's discretion. The experience comes complete with audio, visuals, and a "warning" sign for the prudish at the doorway. At the end, I was expecting to exit into a gift shop, but to my surprise and disappointment, there was none. All the monuments, art museums and even churches had gift shops. Famously tolerant of sex and soft drugs, do not think that Amsterdam is the Sodom and Gomorrah of the modern world. This is only a small component of Amsterdam. The city is rich in history, culture, arts, and architecture. It's a fun city to explore, lots to see and do.

Amsterdam has many canals, although not as many as Venice

This is a Shoe Store

Dutch architecture

The tram is an easy and cheap mode of getting around town

Raw pickled herring is a favorite national snack, along with Belgian waffles and frites (fries) with mayo or curry sauce

Our Apartment - Bright and sunny in quiet neighborhood... Until you walk around the block.

Bicycle Parking Lot - 3 Levels! Amsterdam is big on bicycles. When you step off the sidewalk you have to watch for bikes, then cross the bike lane, then watch for cars

I think I need to buy a vowel

"Coffeeshop" That Doesn't Really Sell Coffee. The cannabis menu has some interesting names

Male Prostitute? Prostitutes in Amsterdam are displayed in windows in the Red Light District. The joke here is this retail store employee is "working" - This is not a male prostitute.

See the fine print to see what they really sell. Fine print says "unfortunately we sell jeans"

Penis Bowl at the Sex Museum. The bronze gets all bright and shiny from people touching them.

Wax Flasher at the Sex Museum

Another "Coffeeshop" - This one sold space cakes - canibis infused brownies

Commonly seen in Dutch buildings are hooks on top of buildings to hoist large furniture because stairways are so narrow

The Dutch do things big

Best Description of Amsterdam - COLORFUL

Fun and educational. Yes.